
A framework for Raspberry Pi electronics testing

This project is maintained by kwaite1021

piFrame Help

Updated 1NOV2017 by Kevin Waite

A Node web server for Raspberry Pi electronics testing. Hack it , mod it, do as you wish with it. There are pre-built, ready to go modules which include:

The modules will work out of the box with the pi 3 and 2, and others.Recommended to use a Raspberry Pi 3 for best performance.


1. Install Node / npm on your pi using nvm, if not already present. I am using the LTS version for ARM V8. Please use nvm to install Node & npm onto your pi. This will ensure you have the latest & correct version. Documentation for nvm:
creationix nvm
Install Node.js using nvm
2. Unzip piFrame into your Node directory.
3. Run with the provided shell script: Linux - run the 'piframe.sh' as 'sudo ./piframe.sh' from the piFrame directory on your Raspberry Pi. Open your local device browser at 'yourPi_IPaddress:3000'. The node server outputs the web page on port 3000 - remember that both the Pi and your local PC, tablet, or phone must be on the same local network. You may find your Pi's IP address by using the shell script from the Master branch [Pi-startSSH.sh] OR your modem/ router config page, or in Linux by using these instructions nmap help At this point you should see piFrame running.

Main files from the Master Branch:

Development tip: Mount your PiFrame directory on the Raspberry Pi to your local machine, then use Atom or your favorite editor to edit / save changes.Look in the PiWiki notebook for instructions on how to do this.

Help on modules

There is also included in the main branch a tiddlyWiki digital notebook for Raspberry Pi [editable single file html]. It contains notes and links, use it as your own, edit as desired.